Events - or what we have been up to!
2022 All Sections activity - Timberline Camp
October 15 & 16 - Beavers and Cubs were out for Apple Day(s). Our members were at Save-On-Foods (Park & Tilford) and at Thrifty Foods. Members were giving out apples for donations. Both of the stores donated apples for the day so the next time you are by Save-On-Foods (Park & Tilford location) or Thrifty Foods please take a minute to say Thanks!
October - cancelled due to the Corn Maze having an issue with their maze - the corn did not grow high enough!
November 11 Some us were out at Cates Park for the Maritime Remembrance Day Ceremony. This is our 12th year and we usually supply hot-dogs to all uniformed members and to the general public by donation but due to Covid this was not possible again this year.
November 12 our Sponsor, St Agnes Church had their annual Christmas Fayre. Our Group supplied a table of beautifully crafted: Meals in a Jar, Snowman ornaments, Reindeer Hot Chocolate and Melted Wax Ornaments. Our table raised 248.00 of which we donated to the church.
Christmas Tree Sale. Our lot is located on Clyde Ave (East off Taylorway and north of Marine Drive). The lot opens on November 26 and the schedules have been sent out to each section so please keep your eyes out for it and get your name in right away. This is a huge operation of which we have been working on since early September. Last year we sold out of trees a week earlier than anticipated (fingers crossed for this year) so there were some members who did not get to participate. There is more information about the Christmas Tree Sales on this page. There is much to do to get it up and running; we have the lot to set up, tree deliveries (unloading and sorting of trees), selling trees and lot take down. Trees this year have been hard to get as the lack of rain has drastically reduced the available numbers....our astute team of tree buyers has managed to source all the trees we need!
Christmas Tree Chip-Up Jan 6-7 at Ray Pearrault Park (parking lot by the tennis courts) 10:00 am to 4:00 pm - This year the scouts with lots of assistance from leaders and parents managed to chop up over 300 trees and raised $3578.84. Thank you to our neighbours and friends who drove, dragged, walked and wheeled their trees to the Chip-Up.